
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weak and Strong Destructors

Qore has C++-style constructors and destructors (with a different naming convention; Qore uses "constructor" and "destructor" while C++ uses names derived from the class's name), however due to Qore's unique memory-management approach, while destructors mostly appear to work like in C++, there are some differences in the details of the implementation regarding how destructors work on built-in classes (either from the Qore library itself or from classes provided by binary modules).

The main data structure that represents an object in Qore is the C++ class "QoreObject".  Objects of this class have access to their internal state serialized with a mutex (thread-safety is a fundamental design principle of Qore); so for a Qore class implemented only with user code (and not inheriting any built-in classes), after any user destructor method is run, the object is marked as deleted and its internal data structures are cleared and all resources are released back to the operating system.  If any copies of references to the object (Qore is like Java in the sense that passing the object by value or assigning the object to another lvalue actually passes/assigns a copy of a reference to the object) are accessed after the object is deleted, an OBJECT-ALREADY-DELETED exception is raised.

This is fairly straightforward and results in predictable behavior for the programmer.  Where "weak" and "strong" destructors come in is with built-in classes.

When a user class inherits a built-in class, the built-in class's constructor links a C++ object containing the internal state of the built-in class to the Qore-language object (a "QoreObject" data structure, as mentioned above).  Whenever a method of the built-in class is executed on the object, the Qore runtime atomically checks the status of the object to see if it's still valid, then, if so, it finds the built-in C++ object for the built-in class linked to the Qore object (let's call this object a "class state object") and atomically increments its reference count, and then calls the C++ function that implements the method being called with the class state object, a pointer to the "QoreObject" (representing "self") and a (possibly-empty) list of Qore-language arguments to the method call.

When the call is complete, the class state object is dereferenced and the return value of the method call is returned to the caller (or an exception state is returned, if applicable).  If the class state object's reference count reaches zero then the class state object is deleted.  This normally happens immediately (and synchronously) after the destructor is processed (at which time all linked class state objects are dereferenced), however it can happen afterwards with "weak" destructors.

A "weak" destructor for a built-in object is a destructor that does not implement any further serialization or gated state checking when method calls are made; it just relies on Qore's object state checking.  In this case, it's possible for one or more threads to call a method on the object while another thread deletes the object in parallel.  If the built-in class does not implement a "strong" destructor, then the built-in class state object will only be deleted after the destructor has been executed (removing the initial reference count for the class state object) and any in-progress methods terminate, which could be quite a while after the actual object destructor has been called depending on the method.

Most built-in classes in Qore implement "weak" destructors because they are simpler to develop and execute faster at runtime (since there's no additional thread synchronization or gating).  Furthermore in normal use, a "strong" destructor is not functionally necessary for most classes; it's normally not a problem that such a race condition (where methods are in progress while the object is explicitly deleted in a separate thread) does not cause additional exceptions to be thrown.  For example, in Qore the Socket class has a "weak" destructor.  However Qore's Queue class has a strong destructor, and, in Qore 0.8.4, the Program class now has a strong destructor in order to enforce stricter discipline on memory resources used.

The Queue class's state object, for example, is implemented by the C++ class "QoreQueue".  All methods in this object that cause state changes are explicitly protected by a mutex (logically as this is a thread-synchronization and messaging class).  The "strong" destructor grabs the mutex and then checks if other threads are waiting on the Queue (either for reading or writing); if so, an appropriate exception is thrown and the waiting threads are notified that the object has been deleted (and exceptions will be thrown in the waiting threads as well).   The race condition with the destructor described earlier is a serious error with the Queue class, particularly due to its critical role in Qore's threading infrastructure, therefore it has a "strong" destructor.  The same goes for the Mutex, RWLock, Gate classes, etc.

The Program object now has a "strong" destructor so that whenever it is deleted, all its memory is immediately freed, and any objects or code references created in the Program that have been exported out of the Program will cause PROGRAM-ERROR exceptions to be raised if they try to access the already-deleted Program.  This was necessary because otherwise, in a program using lots of dynamically-created Program objects, objects exported from the Programs would cause the parent Program to live for as long as the exported objects even if the Program itself were explicitly deleted if it had a "weak" destructor.

Also on a completely different subject, I implemented support for the "final" keyword when declaring classes and class methods for 0.8.4, which should be the very last feature to go into 0.8.4 before its release, which is now imminent.

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